About Us

We are Scholarships for Kids, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that serves as a state-approved Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) under the Alabama Accountability Act of 2013. We work directly with qualified, nonpublic schools to offer scholarships and access to better education for children seeking to expand their educational opportunities.

Board of Directors

Thomas H. Brigham, Jr.

Brian Christine, MD

Joel Davis, Board Chair

Kellie Hope

Mike Flink

Grant Morgan

Adam West

Mission and Principles

Our mission is to improve lives by providing access to quality education for the children in Alabama who need it most.

Our Guiding Principles

  • We support education and educational opportunities.
  • We provide scholarships to children from lower-income families to attend private K-12 schools of their parent’s choice.
  • We emphasize the importance of parents investing their time, talent, and resources in their children’s school community.
  • We support schools that promote academic excellence and prioritize character development. Scholarships for Kids, at all times, seek to operate in an effective, efficient, and ethical manner.

Annual Reports

Get in Touch

Contact Us

For more information about Scholarships for Kids, contact Stephen Bridgers at stephen@scholarshipsforkids.org or call 205-246-5613.